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ADPH Sector-Led Improvement: Self-Audit Tool

Improving Public Health Practice | March 22, 2018

The tool is meant for the regional SLI leads, Network Chairs and Network Coordinators to help them assess their local SLI programme. The purpose of this self-audit tool is to help the SLI leads recognize network’s strengths and identify the areas of practice where there may be an opportunity to develop in the next phase. The tool can be used as part of a reflective conversation at one of the network meetings.

Local SLI programmes should provide confidence to both internal and external stakeholders and to the public as well as demonstrate continuous improvement to PH practice. In this way it will improve health outcomes and avoid top down inspection regimes. It should therefore provide demonstrable evaluation, challenge and measurement of improvement not merely increased learning and knowledge.

Read about the SLI Self-Audit Tool.

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